The past few weeks I've been in interesting discussions, locally and internationally about the topic of leadership. I was particularly keen to notice difference between what a leader is, in comparison to, a follower. To my note, I particularly found out that even people in potential leadership positions, are unfortunate to have a follower's way of thinking and in the long run, just cannot last.
I mean, I don't mind followers, but it takes a great deal of time and effort when a follower pretends to be a leader. You know, those know it all people, who people don't really respect because for a couple main reasons. They don't have vision (even though they assume so), they talk so much about passion (but cannot communicate it), such bad decision makers (either they sit on the fence, change their minds back and forth or are so reliant on friends to help them figure it out), they are a team destroyer (through backstabbing behaviours where they go around talking to different members of a group) and finally, they just have no character.
Without character, you are a goner. Great leaders have a great sense and understanding of the self. People who are nervous and defensive make people (team members) question their abilities and therefore lose their sense of trust.
Anyhow, here is a pretty nifty summary of what leader vs follower looks like:

Without character, you are a goner. Great leaders have a great sense and understanding of the self. People who are nervous and defensive make people (team members) question their abilities and therefore lose their sense of trust.
Anyhow, here is a pretty nifty summary of what leader vs follower looks like:
When leaders make a mistake, they say, "I was wrong."
When followers make mistakes, they say, "It wasn't my fault."
A leader works harder than a follower and has more time;
a follower is always "too busy" to do what is necessary.
A leader goes through a problem; a follower goes around it and never gets past it.
A leader makes and keeps commitments
a follower makes and forgets promises.
A leader says, "I'm good, but not as good as I ought to be;"
a follower says, "I'm not as bad as a lot of other people."
Leaders listen; followers just wait until it's their turn to talk.
Leaders respect those who are superior to them and tries to learn something from them; followers resent those who are superior to them and try to find chinks in their armor.
Leaders feel responsible for more than their job;followers say, "I only work here."
"There ought to be a better way to do this;"followers say, "That's the way it's always been done here."
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