Saturday, April 23, 2011

PEOPLE: On the topic of Energy Vampires

Move over Twilight heart throb, Edward, its time to chat about your kind on a new level.

From the beginning of the week, even till now, the hot topic I’ve been discussing with people are on what I know as “Energy Vampires”. To sum, categorising people into boxes is a horrible thing, but for me, it makes my job in life easier.

You meet all sorts of people in life, good, bad and the in between. But if you ever meet people who are negative to the point where you are left feeling worse off, drained and tired. Well, chances are you’ve meet an energy vampire.

Everything about these people seem to be doom and gloom and they seem to adopt a self-victimising mindset, their life is just one complaint after and another.  To me, their constant fixation on the bad and overlooking all things good is just a freakin’ waste of time.

Overall, this the simple equation:

Negative people = Life sucks (come join me attitude).

The issues with energy vampires is that they can’t generate their own life force, in addition, they can’t stand being alone so will do all they can (spot a vulnerable prey [individuals who have lost their own energy fountain]) and attach themselves to them. Major players of this game will leave you feeling sick and dizzy.

On the other hand, positive (and genuine) people are self generators and have an abundance of energy. The opposite effects applies to them. They are an overflowing fountain of love and electrifying goodness, ideas becomes realities with a matter of time. You’ll see these qualities amongst our greatest leaders and spokespersons of all time.

Overall, I want to always be heading for growth, change and constantly improving myself. Whose knows, what will happen tomorrow, but I think its time for everyone to start living genuinely, giving as much love out as possible and looking to develop everlasting and meaningful relationships.

Anyhow, join in the conversation, leave a comment if this blog gave you some food for thought.


  1. Stop sucking my energon Maria.

  2. Hey Jack! hahaha! Me a energy vampire? muuahahahaha!

  3. Nghi Huynh - i totally agree. It is better to drop energy vampires as soon as you can. They just stifle and smother your own creativity and drive.
    Sunday at 9:26am

  4. Hmmm... I use to think that way too. But if you develop yourself further, you can change them around...:)

  5. Hmm. I guess it depends on what you want to spend your energy on. I'd rather use it to further my goals than to change someone's attitude. They usually don't want it or appreciate the effort you are making.

  6. i think if they just feed off you and don't contribute, then in fact you're not helping are you justify the way they get around in life. Eventually they will take so much from you that you have nothing left. that is what i call culling the dead wood.
