The comment goes " Ha ha. Check this out
So I checked it out only to realise that my visit to Canberra earlier in mid year for the university lecture Internet 2: Alternative Media - Team Vietlish's lecture at ANU - Canberra had coincidently collided with the owner of the notorious Beemer with the number plate CHONG.

But little did we know that the owner of the vehicle was also very "Alternative Media" saavy. So saavy that his illegal activities are being posted on You.Tube. Check this out.
When will people learn? (Source: RiotACT)
That if you are going to do something stupid and illegal, then don’t take footage of it.
As seen by this young bloke who loves his car so much that he just has to show everyone how fast he can drive on Canberras roads.
His BMW on Commonwealth Ave

On Northbourne Ave
On Belconnen Way
Lastly, showing us the car.
Some comments questioned his identity:
CANBERRIANS looking for Asian culture: