My early drive in the morning suffered when I drove down the wrong lane, only to quickly swerve and back onto a highway that got me further and further away from the long term carpark that I have experimentally booked myself online. 5.23am. Shit. My flight was at 6.00pm. I power to the pedalled it to the nearest legal u-turn and speed the way back. Took a left into the long term carpark and found myself a comfortable spot. I sought the nearest bus stop and only shortly did it arrive to shuttle me to domestic airport. 6.30pm. That’s ok. Half an hour till departure. The bust stops. Oh. Bus stop B. The doors closes and off we went. The bus stops. Bus stop C. Hmmm… I felt a little concerned. I was full throttle panic as D, E, F, G etc…came by. In one carpark and so many stops! Are you serious?
6.40pm. I got 20 mins. That’s ok. The bus took me to the final boarding destination and I quickly bolted.
“Sorry, you should come at least 30 mins”, the checker wearily said as she directed me to the guest services to rebook my flight.
“That’s $50 to transfer, you’re next flight is at 7.00am”, the reception replied.
That’s ok. I’ll arrive at 8.00am and still be on time for the conference.
Next thing I read: Flight delayed by 10 mins. Pfft! Nothing. No biggie. Just 10 mins.
10 mins dragged onto the 20 mins mark and then finally, we boarded the plane.

This is it! No more delays. Straight to Brisbane for the conference.
My late sleep propelled me to dip into a micro sleep, only to be disrupted by an announcement that the plane is experiencing some technical engineering difficulties and everyone must depart to the plane and wait until further notice.
That’s ok, my self talk reassured me. Its only 8.30am. So I miss the plenary introduction, but my presentation is at 1.30pm – no biggie.
We waited and waited. The weary passengers looked more primitive then usual. All giving each other dirties, and thirsting to board that friggin’ plane.
Then we were given the heads up that the next flight is at 1.00pm. What? in friggin’ 5 hours?!? I immediately cancelled this flight, get a refund and rebook with either Qantas or Jetstar.
I rushed over to the internet café, armed with my credit car, and did my search.
Friggin’!!!! No flights until 1.30pm!?!
I quickly rushed over to the terminal and pleaded to undo the changes of my previous cancellation.
5pm?!? Arggh! I’m screwed! I’m so friggin’ screwed. I’ve let my workplace down and also the organisers of the summit down as well! Arrrghh! Double double failure overload that my brain can’t comprehend!
My face shown signs of desparation. “Please, is there anything you can do?”.

“Lemme check” the friendly and patient attendant replied.
“1.05pm, there’s one left, but you’ll be travelling to Melbourne then from Melbourne to Brisbane”
I thought to myself. I’m doing a happy lap across the east coast? No way! It takes 1 hour to get to Melbourne from Sydney, then 2 hours from Melbourne to Brisbane! This is really bizarre! I had no time to lose so took the risk.
“You better be quick and get to the gate. It leaves in 3 mins”
Friggin’ ell. Once again this feels like the Gods are playing tricks on me. Run Maria! Run!
Yes, finally made it and on the plane to…. the opposite direction. My stress levels went down and slowly I crept into sleep.
I woke up again, to another delay announcement. It’s another delay due to the congestion in air traffic in Melbourne. Friggin’. My heart rate spiked up again. If I don’t get to the airport on time, then the plane from Melbourne to Brisbane will leave without me and I don’t think there’s any other flights after. That means I’ll be stuck in transit – in Melbourne, absent at the conference and looking real dumb from work.
Please, please, please time go slowly. Hurry, hurry, plane go faster.
12.00pm. Shit. Game over. My connecting flight was scheduled at 12.00pm. I’m still on the plane. The plane landed, and all was left in me was a sense of hopelessness.
Are you serious? Is this how bad things can get in one day?
“All connecting flights to Brisbane please make you way to gate 2”, droned the announcer.
“Wot? Yay!”
I quickly rushed of the plane and ducked and weaved in my stupid high boot heels in order to make it there.
I did. Out of breathe, and weary, lugging my flimsy luggage and onto the plane to Brisbane. But will I make it in time? There’s a slight delay of 15 mins. Friggin’. What a day.
The trip took another 2 hours, and I could have swore it was two longest hours of my life.
1.25pm – the plane lands in Brisbane (luckily the daylights savings one hour back saved me) I quickly rushed out, hailed for a taxi and bolted to my destination of Queensland State Libray.
1.35pm. Still going.
1.45pm. The taxi driver points out the building.
1.50pm. We got semi lost. The kind driver committed an illegal park to drop me off.
1.52pm. I see the centre, but there’s a friggin’ bridge I have to cross in my pain-stakingly awful heels.
Trot, trot , trot….1.55pm. Run…run, run!
2.00pm – No way, the Gods must be crazy. I made it.
2.05pm – I quickly plugged in my laptop, doggle and portable speakers.

Returning back. I felt I was repeating history in reversal order. I missed my flight but luckily it got delayed by 5 mins. It then got delayed by 30mins, 1hour, 2 hours.
My feet a super sore so I decided to go kamakazi, strip those boots off and sock it around. It is raining hardcore. Cats, dogs and cows with spectucular flashdances everynow and then.
8.30pm – still no verdict of what is happening. I headed over to reception to enquire.
9.00pm – no more delays, no more planes flying out or in. We are advise to go to check in and get a new boarding pass for tomorrow’s flight.
I’m so sick of this. Now I have to say overnight? I enquired how where to go to claim my accommodation with Virginblue, they responded, “Its not Virginblue’s responsibility, it’s the individual’s arrangement.
I slowly walked away, dreary tired and wanting so badly to go home. My feet hurts, my stomach is rumbling and my mind has gone completely blank.
I moved to the notice board to check for any available accommodation. Everything close by has been completely booked out. Nothing was available.
Finally, I hit a lucky break and checked into Kookaburra Inn. Their slogan is “A unique backpacking experience” and boy! it was “unique” indeed. Perhaps, errie when you get directed downstairs (like in the dungeons) to a box like room. Everything was bare, and I even doubt they clean the sheets. But for $55, I should be glad to have a roof over my head.
Had my shower by 10.30pm and hopped straight into bed.
I woke up abruptedly at 5.05am on the following day only to realised that I missed out my taxi ride. Friggin’. Not cool at all. I collected my things and bolted outdoors to the nearest main road in search and hail a taxi to come to my aid.
The cops spotted my by 5.10am and I guess the condition I was in (dishevelled, wearing no shoes, carrying bags, made me seriously look like a potential “run-away” so they pulled over and enquired about my case).
After 2 mins of lightning speed explanations I successfully hailed a taxi and was on the road to the airport.
I got the airport by 5.40am and luckily …just made it… in the nick of time.
So that ends my bad case of a series of unfortunate events.
ReplyDeleteSheesh, Maria, you should stay at home more often. This makes my adventure with The Landing Gear That Would Not Retract on the way back to Canberra look like an outing in the sandpit.