Thursday, August 9, 2012

INVITATION: Enter The Dojo Test Shoot Screening | Sun 12 Aug @ 3.30pm SHARP

Wanna see some on screen action? Local filmmakers and martial artists from the Digital Series Collective invites you to Enter The Dojo, test shoot-turned-short film screening. 
This short event is a part of the Dong Tam Youth Open Day launch that will be happening in and around the space. 

“Martial arts has long time been a part of the Asian culture and the test shoots that we run come from the collaborative works of the locals who have a passion for film and physical culture”, says producer, Maria Tran.

“We weren’t really expecting much, as it was a test shoot, but the energy and excitement grew and it took us a full day to shoot and it as my first time working on the cinematic RED camera”, added director, Adrian Castro.

“I hope our test shoots can demonstrate the broader film industry that we are emerging talent and want to bring kung fu on screen action to Australia” added Maria.

The mini test shoot is a collaboration between Fideo Films Production, Jusmedia, Dong Tam Youth Association, Phoenix Eye Transmedia and Digital Series. 

Be in conversation of the making of it, followed by drinks. 

SUNDAY 12 AUGUST 2012 3.30-4pm  
Dong Tam Media Space 
187 The Horsley Dr Fairfield NSW 2165 
RSVP essential 10 August. [E]

MARIA TRAN: Ok, wanna hear the spiel? This was a fun shoot I did with the filmy gang last month. It wasn't anything of a big deal, just an idea on the fly and I just wanna work on some chorie and something proper directed by filmy colleague, Adrian Castro. He then brought on board Justin Gong who just recently bought a RED. Next thing you know, we got others on board and we have a film jam. So hey, I can't help but just want to celebrate some good fun in alignment with other celebrations at Dong Tam. 

So what if you miss out? You can email me and I can put you on the list when it gets upload online for you to check out. That should happen on Sunday 12 August at 7pm EST.

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