Thursday, June 14, 2012


DT, some call it ‘second home’ is needing some love and care for those who grow up training in it, nailing awesome moves and achieving great spirit and physical results.

And what a better way to start the DT new wave is buy clearing out the old and in with the new. That’s where we need your help to make it happen! As you may know, Anh Trung has been rethinking Dong Tam lately and invested huge amounts of time in making it a better space for you to train and realise your dreams. There’s so much to do and there’s only myself and Anh Trung to do it, so we thought it will be more wiser to call upon you to rise to occasion to lend a hand.

If you can spare a few hours (much need time slot is from 9-12.30pm) then drop by!

Below is some details of the day:

Date: Saturday, 16th June, 2012

8.30-9am Breakfast @ DT. Debrief on the day’s taskforce
9am-11.30am 1-5 tasks at least 80% completed
11.30-12.30pm Lunch Break. Light refreshments provided @ DT
12.00pm Group photo shoot for the day
12.30-4.30pm Cruisy clean up of DT
5pm Wrap up

1. Make sure you arrive on time at 8.30am
2. Please sign in & sign out

1. Move tutoring tables upstairs
3 ppl. Carefully move tutoring tables from (a) in the lion dancing room (2) the outside back area and stack them in storage up carefully. Please be extra careful if you are on the roof or using the elevator. Tread lightly.

2. Sweep grounds of the surrounding outdoor areas
2 ppl. There will be 2 sets of broom + collector located outside the backdoor. Take a light stroll around DT and scope out the area for gathered leaves and sweep and place them in the bins. Move tables and chairs around and get to the dust. Be thourough.

3. Remove fridge, tv and old tables
Ask Anh Trung for what needs to be moved and loaded into the white van for dumping.

4. Mop and vacuum mats in the main outdoor training space
2 ppl. This is a quite used space and over time, there’s been a layer of dirt and grime sticking onto the mats. So the solution is...with two buckets, boil some hot water from the kitchen and pour it in the bucket with some cold water and sugar soap. Take it out the the main outdoor space and using a mop, start cleaning each squares off.
The other person will be vacumming the carpeted surroundings.

5. Cleaning of old lions
2 ppl. Using a ladder, take the lion heads down from their hanging spot and line them outside of the garage door.
(a) Dust them off using the duster provided
(b) with a cloth and some soapy water, start clean it
(c) Clean the furry bits after and with clean warm water. Brush through with a comb.
(d) Let it dry and then place back onto the wall

6. Washing of DT windows
1 person. With the window squeegee, clean windows surrounding DT.