Sunday, July 22, 2012

BLOG: It’s Blomit Time! - Snowboarding

Date: 22 July, 2012.
The guilt has started to kick in again as I failed to blog on a regular basis, or possibly because I’ve been too busy living a kick ass life....on somedays. 

I’ve been away doing some adventurous things, such as getting my SDI scuba diving accreditation and some introduction lessons to snowboarding. Both, of which, were quite stressing, physically but it was a step out of the norm. 

Last week was my first snowboarding lesson, and also first time out in the snow! It was quite an experience and my partner fully geared me up with all the accessories I needed to crack into action. Trung is an avid snowboarder, he can do all the awesome things on the board down the slope that my body was itching to do, except, I haven’t attained my basics yet. 

Snowboarding, like scuba diving, can be a love it or lump it sport. It really is also up the individual to perceive whether it is the thing for them. I had a couple of beginner’s class and I can tell that some people don’t think it’s for them by the look on their faces and the negative reaction when they fall over. 

I possibly fell over so many times during my session, but I figured (and its true), the more you fall, the faster you get to nail the moves. Your body will adjust and unconsciously, you’ll figure out the moves sooner or later. 

Here’s some basics that I only wished I studied before my first session:
First Day of Snowboarding
How to Skate on Your Snowboard
How to Slide on Your Heel Slide
How to Turn on Your Snowboard

So where did I go? To Thredbo! You can check out all the details via this website. For newbies, I think you should book in a Beginner’s Intro Package. I got two days for $248 (2 class sessions). 

Other things to note:
Food is really expensive up here. A burger meal deal is around $20. 
B.Y.O your noodle packets, soups and coffees. Your B.Y.O stuff will taste better without burning your pocket.
Get some Panadeine Forte prescription to survive Day 2 of your session. 
Have a second pair of clothing handy
Arrive early to the snow field site (parking can get scarce and feral)

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