Monday, September 5, 2011

EVENT: Y-NOT! - Biggest Young Asians Singles Event!

This looks like fun! This is an Asian occasion where the who's who of the Asian inner west get to come and mingle and connect. If I'm going, I'm honestly just there for the single boys, and you'll spot me with a clipboard, thick glasses and ticking and crossing all those boxes. J/ks. Do get curious and come on down. My friend Theresa Thao Tran is running this baby and the flyer just looks fabulous!

For all you talented people who can sing, dance or swallow swords, this could be you limelight! Register to be a part of the ensemble for a chance to win $500! 

1 comment:

  1. Is the winning prize $500 in cash or prizes? I know of a few friends that could really sing beautifully.
