Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I've been that lazy that my blog title is just two dull words ÜPDATES: Quest!, and that is how I sometimes feel with it - a little dulled out and impatient to get it done. But yesterday's conversation with local writer/ comedy theatre deviser  - Andy Ko, gave me a little bit more perspective on how the creative mind works.

Through putting something out there and letting it organically mold is usually what happens with the creative process. Of course, there's like a million methods, but creativity just can't be rushed, and judged via the scientific method. Its not about putting things in boxes and filing it away, but taking the toys out of the box to play.

Andy shared with me a pretty nifty analogy - its like a blank canvas and you 'áccidentally' spilt paint on, then with a brush you just gotta make sense of it before it drys. Ok, it sounded better when Andy was explaining it in his quirky, straight faced ways.

Here's some updated photos on what's been happening!
My mini car rollerblade stunt
The awesome team for the week
Graphic works by Adrian Castro

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