Friday, June 29, 2012

EVENT: Dong Tam Clean Up

Date: Sat, 16 June, 2012

Despite the grey and emo weather that persisted, DT members gave their time to make their space a better place. What I found out was that 8.30am is an early start, except for Khoa Nguyen, who rocked up and ready to make some space change. By 10am a handful more people came to aid and pretty soon, leaves were swept off, outdoor training space, mopped, steamed, carpet were stapled to the ground and lots of rubbish were picked up.
The biggest task of the day was perhaps the installation of fluorescent lights. All six were prepped and connected up for better visibility at night for training.

The extra tutoring tables located in the garage space and the back house, found their place in storage in the rooftops, and the office room had extra wall features mounted on it.

Overall, there were loads of rubbish that needed to find another place. I don't know about what other people think, but the space we live/work/ train affect who we are and how productive we are in our lives. A clear space gives us more vision and with that comes with better clarity for training and become the future leaders of our field.

Anyhow, big shout outs to the 20 people involved in the clean up. A total of 80 hours was injected into this task. Clean Up DT: Round 2 will be happening quite soon, so let me know if you are interested in helping out.

Below are some of the snaps I've taken. Heroic poses armed with cleaning products. Epic.
Charles Lu is serious about scraping
Lisa Tran & David Minh Tam Nguyen show their light boozers!
Sweeping...A job well done

Clean up time went into the cold wet night
Dustbuster - Suck on this!
Mop action
Bucket time!
Trung Ly - The man behind the clean!

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