Monday, May 28, 2012

ANOTHER DAY: Reflecting & more reflecting

It was a not too bad start of the week with loads of productivity at work, processing tons of invoices and report writing.

To end the 9-5 working hours, I was called into a casting audition just a street away where I worked. It's been a terribly long time such I cut my teeth on auditions and the last one was "My Place" a few years ago.

Still, it is thrilling experience in posing in front of the camera with a scrappy looking piece of paper that identifies who you are. Then a couple snaps later, you are bidded farewell and good luck with the same generic signs that "if we are interested, we will contact you soon". On the way out, I made a smashing impression as I almost knocked the director over with my backpack as he was coming in from an important phone call. Brilliant.

Well, who cares, really. I'm a forward thinker (just like these passengers on the train I took going home) and I can't wait till I get home to my hubby to some martial arts training, dinner and office painting. To finish off the night, processing the final invoices with a glass of muscato before a hot bath soak.

My new likes, Matcha Green Tea Latte. For $5.90, I occasionally get the Grande at Starbucks & french plaits, which I practise on the train.

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