Thursday, February 10, 2011

MISTAKEN IDENTITY: Maria Tran and Ariel Lin

Are you serious? I just recently got an email by so random guy asking me if Ariel Lin is playing the character "Maria Tran" in the movie "Quest for Jackie Chan!". I replied saying that I didn't know who Ariel Lin was and I'm Maria Tran and I'm really playing "Maria Tran" (myself) in the epic no budget, no talent film of weird dimensions "Q4JC". The boy (who obviously seem to be some "Ariel Lin" stalker insisted that I stop pretending to be "Maria Tran" and admit that I was "Ariel Lin's manager" and put him through to "Ariel".

Again, I thought to myself, are you serious? I've never been so offended in my life. I'm a nobody and still have my own title taken away from me. I showed my sister "Ariel's" picture and she thinks I look like her! Really?

From my judgement I look nothing like her! She's this hot and cute looking Taiwanese chick and I look like a dick and I'm adamant that there's no alikeness whatso ever! No way in hell I look like her! If I did I would be swooning all the boys like an all you can eat buffet. Instead, I'm geeking over all things computers, graphic design, gadgets and words that are similar to the word "efficiency" and "productivity" turns me on like an energy saving light bulb.

See! See! I just did some geek vomit over the last sentence!

So who do you look like? Or who looks like you? Do you see the similarities or are you adamant about the differences?


  1. No need to put yourself down like that!
    Pretty cute for a so-called 'dick' lol

  2. come on, you're hot, stop putting yourself down.

  3. i like the one on the right better...i think she's is amazing! :)

  4. Hahaha! I like the word "dick", its like that baddest word in my dictionary. It comes close to words like "dicktator" & "dicktation".
    Thank you "Annoymous #1", "Annoymous #2" and "Annoymous #3" for your kind words, but I think if I was a guy, Ariel would do me justice. Otherwise, "Maria" would probably get you killed (electricity, duct tape, kung fu...deadly combination)
