Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Summer Sidewalk Games (Workshop)

Date: 16th of January, 2010
Time: 1pm-5pm
Location: 19 Harris St, Fairfield

Joseph Hieu Dinh and I spent our Saturday afternoon (1pm - 5pm) at the Wareabouts street theatre and improvisation class. It was heaps of fun working with others in a series of fun acting exercises and games. My favorite would have to the "space jump" activity where people are introduced into a scene and they must quickly improvise a scenario off the top of their head.We moved out of the space to the great Fairfield outdoors and partnered up to formulate a scene for onlookers and passerbys.the day ended with 3 rounds of Wareabouts game where we were armed with walkie talkies and flag poles and had the task of tracking down the target in a flourescent vest.This activity was a little tiring as we had to fight the heat and concentrate on the game.Overall, it was a great Saturday avo of building more comedy skills and acting.

Brief on Workshop
The Sidewalk Games are workshops in using Games for Performance, held in January, April, and October.
This workshop is designed for those aged 16-29 with previous performance experience or who have an interest in outdoor performances. It is about exploring Improvisation and Games, both indoors and outdoors, that can be used to create performance and develop performing skills.
We will also be playing “Wareabouts is the Flag”, an outdoor navigation game of teamwork and bright-coloured vests.
To register, contact Andy Ko on wareabouts(AT)
Dress Requirements: Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and appropriate footwear for outdoor activities. Bring along sun protection.

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