To fine tune our art of mcing we've done our homework and hired the best and worst yof mcers. Have a read!
1. We've witness a so called renowned Vietlnamese MC rocked up late to their gig, unapologetic, and drunk saying " please welcome the most IMPOTENT couple rof the night". Beware of vietnamese mcs who don't present too well in English and don't gve them too much to drink.
2. Beware of single male mcs who may have the tendency to use his mc status to pick up the braidsmaid
3. Never go for family mcs, people have been cheap on mcs and think they can save the money by getting their uncle and aunts to do the job. It ain't cool watching a first time public speaker who may be loud at the ban nhau but quiver on stage as he reads is scribbled pieces of paper like it's his first time learning to read English.
4.Mcing is a fine art that reflects character and should have charisma. We've seen what we called "scavenger mcers" who bring their wives to thee party and their takeaway boxes going around the tables to get tomoorrows breakfast, lunch and dinner.
5. Mcs who have bad dress sense like elvis like suits, 80s style combovers and reeks of cheap cologne.
6. Mcs who mc like it's a protest (excessive shouting), funeral home (sad glum on their faces), comedy club (with unhumourous jokes), with signals that they wish they were elsewhere (looking at watch, sighing, excessive disappearance to the toilet).
7. Mcs who think they can sing (trying hearing mcs croak out the top ten loves songs would sure encourage anyone to divorce to make him stop).
8. Female mcs - who think they are supermodels or wear the most hoey dress that would make the father of the bride break a sweat during his speech.
9. Mcs who are make weird linkages such as what they had for breakfast and then connecting it to how much they value marriage. Do do duyen!
10. Mcs who party more than they mc!
Extra 1. Mcs who look old, grumpy, worn out and don't believe in love and have been through several divorces and Vo bes.
Extra 2. Mcs who are egocentric, think they are the most important think in the room (gods saviour to marriage) and makes himself known to everyone like the president.
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